you might think that your back is to the wall with a certain obligation or responsibility
you probably feel that you have few if any choices and
but you have far more power than you realize
you don't have to accept what someone is pushing on you
if you refuse to give in, nothing bad will happen
nor will you have to deal with the fallout of saying NO
if you are still wondering what to do, consider this..
something that causes you so much anxiety is probably something to avoid
image source : datingish.com
Yang kedua,,
hehehehe setelah pertamaxx
masa aku mau nulis ketigax hehehe
percaya diri akan kemampuan kita untuk menghasilkan yg terbaik
Selamat malam! HeHeHe yup, jangan menyerah... jangan menyerah... *nyanyi demasip*
Hmm.. Dont Give Up,, & Keep Spirit to make a changes!!
Yupe..yupe..when we ask, God will provide the power and strength that we need to face any situation :)
I like the photos. Is it you?
marhaban ya ramadhan ya.
mohon maaf lahir dan batin
marhaban ya ramadhan ya.
mohon maaf lahir dan batin
Saya datang lagi sobat, seraya memohon maaf lahir batin atas setiap kesalahan kecil maupun besar, baik dari setiap komentar ataupun postingan yang kurang enak dibaca.
Semoga selama puasa di bulan ramadhan kita diberi kesehatan .
salam persohiblogan ^_^
@ genial : seep lah :p
@ cikal ananda : mau jadi yang klimaxxx ya?!?!
@ Lidya : iya gpp juga mbak :)
@ Ocky Fajzar : makasih ya semangatnya :)
@ bagi bagio : gratefuly thanks :)
@ Allisa Yustica Krones : nope.. ofcourse not :(
@ Said Arsyad : marhaban ya ramadhan ;)
@ auraman : mohon maaf lahir batin atas setiap kesalahan kecil maupun besar juga mas :) selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa sahabat.. Semoga Amal Ibadah kita di terima oleh Allah SWT. amiin..
Bingung mo comen apaan..
udah biasa idup di desa.. :D
Life is hard these days.
Best you can do is do you're best to make things right.
Nothing to worry about, just do your best.
just do your best... :)
nice one!!! :)
i am a poet too.
i will be delighted if u check on my poems as well
sip...sip...blognya ok juga...
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