
Word Of Mouth Marketing Stemming

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Sometimes the benefits of email marketing are quite different than anticipated. Most Internet marketers understand the basic concept of email marketing which is to email promotional materials to a large group of Internet users to promote an interest in your products or services. This concept is easy for many to understand but sometimes there are added benefits to email marketing.

This article will discuss the basics of email marketing and will also explain how sometimes email marketing can be much further reaching than planned. This additional reach can be either a positive or a negative depending on the quality of the original emails and the reactions of the original recipients.

Email marketing is a very simple concept which is also extremely cost effective. The general idea behind email marketing is that an email is sent to an email distribution list and these emails are intended to create an interest in the products or services offered by the originator of the email. In theory this concept could not be simpler but email marketing can get significantly more complicated.

One of the biggest complicating factors is the potential for the emails used in the marketing campaign to be viewed as spam by either the recipient of the email or the spam filter provided by the Internet service provider.

This potential alone creates a major complication because Internet marketers have to make a significant effort to assure their messages are not trapped by a spam filter or immediately deleted by the recipients for appearing to be spam.


situsonline dofollow at: August 5, 2011 at 10:24 PM said...

promosi melaui email sangat mantap katanya.!

ABB news at: August 5, 2011 at 10:27 PM said...

promosi produk melalui email ku hampir 500 tiap hari,tapi tidak sedikit yang spam,itu yang bikin aku pusing,bahkan ada email yg tdk saya kenal sekalipun malah ngajak menjual dan mempromosikan produknya.

Merliza at: August 6, 2011 at 9:51 PM said...

@ situsonline dofollow : walau terkesan spamming.. tapi memang bermanfaat mas :)
@ ABB news : sama mas saya juga terkadang di buat pusing sama yang seperti itu :(

Shudai Ajlani at: August 8, 2011 at 5:25 AM said...

Iya juga sih banyak tuh di email saya yg promosi iklan atau apalah hehe

Abdus Somad at: August 14, 2011 at 3:13 AM said...

kadang promosi lewat email itu biasanya diacuhin ka,ya itu yang kaya di tulisan ini,pasti dikira spam. cara meyakinkan calon customer kalo itu bukan spam gimana ya?

Merliza at: August 29, 2011 at 9:09 AM said...

terimakasih untuk kehadiran mas nya semua ya :)

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