How to prepare your Home Theater to make it more homey but still good quality?
Follow these few tips:
Pick a room
Choose the right room to be 'caged' for your Home Theater. Family room could be an attractive option. After that, cover your special room with soundproof material that came out was pure and not the result of reflection.
Room capacity vs Home Theater quality
Make sure you know the capacity of the room and adjust your Home Theater with the device you buy. Do the opposite!
Place them in a spread
Make sure you do not point all devices from the Home Theater Speaker at one side of your room. Placements are spread and balance is needed. Usually, there are directions in which the position of the speakers should be placed.
Do not too over-reacting!
Customize your Home Theater power with power output it. Better, do not use the Home Theater exceeds his ability. For example, you can set the volume properly, do not be hardened up huge.
Well, it's a wrap. Have an electrifying moment watching!
salam sobat
bagus ya gambarnya mewah
Berkunjung kembali ... Wah enak nih kalau ada ruangan seperti ini. Bisa betah seharian sambil nonton film
Ruangan segitu besarnya berapa luasnya ya :?: pas dengan luas gubuk ku yang cuma 100m2.
Salam hangat serta jabat erat selalu dari Tabanan
Wish to have that one someday in my home
Assalamu'alaikum, berkunjung meninggalkan jejak untuk menjalin ukhuwah. salam ukhuwah!!!^_^
masih jauh cita2 untuk punya home theater, adanya paling cuma TV, itupun model jadul hehe
wah cocok ni ak movie mania juga,udh kecnduan suara DTS surroun sound
Woouw.. nice room.. jadi pengen punya .. hehhehe
That's we have some problem how to make home teather. Room capacity not suitable for one of the reason. There is any tips how to make Home Theater in the small room capacity???
pengen sih bikin home teater sob, tapi ruangan di rumah sempit
this will make me lazy ! let me stay at home all day long! :D
kapan ya rumah aku bisa pasang home theater
wow kerenn banget tp untuk rumahku gak bisa, gak ada lahannya hehe :P
blogwalking :)
tampilan nya begitu mewah dan elegant
@ all : thank you for comin' here all guys ;)
Keren sepertinya kalau punya satu dirumah :D
kalau saya jarang nonton film di rumah, lebih suka di bioskop langsung... tapi kalau di rumah punya cita-cita bikin home audio
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