Dou you know...
I always panic stricken every time the thought of only with you I can talk long about ordinary things. Maybe because often I was considered weird or even crazy, but I just see everything with more slowly and look for a special part of all that simple.
Once upon a time...
An mute missing from the necklace of small pet and I searched all over the room to make use of a magnifying glass . Found it an hour later in the middle of a dark-haired carpet, I was relieved black mute It looked and still shiny. Then I began to frequently use a magnifying glass it anywhere, not just to look for mute but to see the world.
And secretly hoping someone saw me in the same way. Repeatedly disappointed, of course. The higher the expectations that are too painful. But then so what, no longer trying? Silence is no longer looking for? No, the tears always managed to stop and I always walk again.
And we come face to face, on a page that seemed perfectly normal. The first five minutes you frown at me, like me wince to see you. Then I pulled out my magnifying glass.
Slowly I was no longer wrinkled forehead. Magnifying glass to your face and I see you smile gently, forehead you no longer wrinkled. Magnifying glass to your hand and I understand that smile for anything. Your fingers are holding a magnifying glass as well. Seeing the usual muted so special because it can not be seen anytime.
Pelan-pelan sinar matahari melewati kaca pembesar, membakar hati seseorang...
L tu paan?
cheexa: membakar hati syapa tuch..???
genial: L itu judul novel yg gw kutip prolognya..bagus kahn..???
terima kasih yach somay...
apakah kamu cuman ambilnya dari novel..aku kira kamu hasilkan sendiri..
okelah kita sebagai sesama pemuda Indonesia haruslah mulai maju dan menata diri untuk kesauan bangsa Indonesia
salam kenal :) A to Z = Ain to Zulaikha.. hehe
nice artikel kk
Kaca pembesar kemudian kumasukkan dalam saku, lebih baik melihat langsung hidungmu yg bangir. Dan kau tersipu, membuat mataku lebih besar dari kaca pembesar. He...he..
wat biskuit: ga selalu ngambil dari novel,,tapi buat saya tulsan itu bagus bgt jd harus saya masukin k postingan ne...bener bagus kahn..??? hehehehe... :)
wat imtikhan: salam kenal juga...
wat AQUA: siap...slalu semangat tuk membangun negeri... :)
wat Ain Zulaikha: boleh..boleh..he.. :)
wat benz saja: terima kasih manis... :)
wat Story in Indonesia Songs: waduh..knp jd idung saya yg dikomentarin yach..??? ckckckckk... :)
Finally, an issue that I am passionate about. I have looked for information of this caliber for the last several hours. Your site is greatly appreciated.
postingan yg bagus sob :D
knp may..???
@Daris Firzan
thanks dud,,,
kalo liat a to z langsung inget mobil :D
Hi merli,, visit u back.. :)
thank you MJ :)
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