We are thee new generation, the rightful heir of the Nation and the Republic of Indonesia. We are a new generation who refuse to live and grow up with fear. We choose to be brave.
We are thee new generation who believe that violence will only give birth every new violence. Therefore, we will attempt to break the chains of violence through humanitarian work wherever we are.
We are thee new generation, who uphold the principles of democracy, humanity, equality and mutual respect. Therefore, we reject all forms of discrimination. We are thee new generation who will build a nation and a dignified and honorable nation, able to unite Indonesia, protect individual rights, standing on top of all classes, and glorify human beings become subjects.
yunda merliza udah punya situs pribadi...
lagi coba2 aj ko' mad..
mampir yunda :)
silahkan Lata...:)
trima kasih dah mampir...
terus gmn dwong cink [after got detected that some of posts here are...]?!?!?
trus berusaha lah...
wah blognya keren...tapi pake bahasa inggris hehehhe
mudah-mudahan mengerti
salam kenal aja deh
artinya mudah mengerti dunk...
trima kasih..
salam kenal jg wat Gak Kuliah Gak Kiamat..
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