Melt the dark cooking chocolate and margarine. Beat eggs and sugar until dissolved. Enter the flour and baking powder that are sifted and mix evenly. Add the melted chocolate and margarine, stirring evenly. Pour in a pan of brownies that the margarine covered with paper.
Set aside. Heat the first steam after boiling and then enter a pan of brownies, and... before closing, put the walnuts which are sliced thin with Teflon (low heat) to appear brownish.

Steam for 30 minutes over low heat. Lift out of pan, then split with a sharp knife which so do not be destroyed, lift the top, then fill the center with chocolate or dark cooking chocolate meses who already grated (just a little and evenly) and then re-united with parts of steamed brownies. Wait a cold and ready to serve.
hmmm lezat sekali , brownies kue kesukaan di keluargaku, mau donk...
makasih ya kunjungannya ...salam kenal !
hallo ... salam kenal, makasih ya kunjungannya di Hariyanti Sukma, ini blog yg lain...
btw .... blognya canggih banget, bisa donk bagi infonya, tq ya ...
@Hariyanti Sukma
boleh,,silahkan dibuat selama persediaan masih ada..
salam kenal balik...
trima kasih kunjungannya...
brownies? hanya beberapa orang saja yang bisa memasak brownies dengan rasa yang "pas".
kuncinya adalah sering latihan hingga menemukan resep yang pas. semoga bisa membuatkan brownies yang sempurna untuk seluruh anggota keluarga. :)
happy blog walking.
sering latihan... i like that ! :)
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