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The value of money |
Before answering it, frankly speaking, I have to said you all on this. In money there are 2 values, named: the nominal value and use value. The nominal value is the value that both the figure and letters written on the money, such as bills of thousand of rupiahs (Rp.1000,-) this go round face value. While the use value of money is a nominal money used to obtain an item, for example as I've pointed out at the beginning of this paper.
To answer the above questions why is that there will be two questions, whether the price of expensive goods or money we are increasingly valuable? That just because the inflation continues to rise each year.
And.. whether the inflation will be..???? I will answer in the next posting. ciao ... :)
Celengannya (yang di gambar) bagus..
wah kudu buka kamus dulu ini, pakai bahasa linggis soalnya
bener banget, kena yang namanya inflasi jadi makanya harga-harga dan nilai barang jadi berubah dari taun ketaun. kangen deh naik bis kota hanya dengan 150 rupiah
um,,, this sort article remember to me about economics lesson, but i'm still not understand, xixixixixi
well, for sure it's because of inflation that our money has its value decreasing over time. Once the price rises up, it's so difficult to go down, and very often the price hike of one good will be followed by the other goods
r u sure $100 ? isn't Rp 100
nyimak postingan selanjutnya :)
gambarnya mengingatkan pada celengen eh rekening gendut aparat :D
wah jadi inget mbak-mbak yang datang ke kantor nawarin investasi danareksa, ngomongin soal nilai tukar uang, inflasi, dsb
woww ... bahasa linggis yah :)
bener banget ... yang ngeri sekarang sama biaya sekolah euy ... terkaget2, kalau sekarang spp sekolah tuh dah ratusan ribu perbulannya. bahkan ada yg jutaan. ckckckck ..inflasi inflasi
kunjungan balik..terimakasih telah mampir kegubukku..
celengannya gendut tentu banyak isinya..jadi teringat pesan ortu,"kalau menabung (kalau jumlahnya banyak) sebaiknya disimpan dengan emas, insya Allah ga akan rugi,kalau pake uang,,ruginya dari segi nilai belinya,,kalau dulu 10ribu bisa 4 liter beras,sekarang bisanya cuma satu liter,beda dengan emas,nilai emas pun bertambah seiring bertambahnya waktu.."
thanks for the comment on my blog.. :-)
Inflasi memang bikin hati berdebar, bukan karena senang, tapi ngeri dengan tingginya biaya di segala lini...
Posting berikutnya juga pasti menarik, Merliza!
ndak ngerti ini artinya apa?
Ha...??? 100 dollar to get 4 candy????
US dollar ato S'pore dollar? Mahal amat candy nya yak?
The nominal value is the value that both the figure and letters written on the money, such as bills of thousand of rupiahs (Rp.1000,-) this go round face value
Before answering it, frankly speaking, I have to said you all on this
I agree that inflation is causing the value of money to be weak, so as if the value of goods (prices) to be expensive
makanya jangan kejar2 uang ya,
kalau dikasih ga nolak :)
beli dimana tuh celengannya?
Wow.. whether the inflation will be..???? I always be waiting for that post...
Jazk :D salam kenal, boleh bertukar link ?
qu tungguin postingan berikutna .. heheh :)
postingannya keren nech...
You mean USD 100 only get 4 candy ?
what kind of candy of that ?
hmmm jadi ingat kuliah dulu ttg uang, inflasi, deflasi, dll
Kembali ke tempo dulu, menabung pake celengan. Soalnya kalau di bank uang malah berkurang kena pajak, administrasi dan biaya yang lainnya,.
terimakasih tuk kedatangan serta komentar teman-teman semua di sini :)
Yes I remember when in elementary school with IDR 1.000 I can buy many snacks but now in 2011, I can only buy one :(
inflasi oh inflasi -____-
kayanya pernah sering di terangin ma guru SMP ma SMA dulu
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