He said that Indonesia was the world's third largest electricity producer country from geothermal energy, followed by the Philippines. Geothermal energy is a carbon-free electricity resource, he said. Solutions to climate change involved many steps which could reduce cost and reduce carbon dioxide emission, Al Gore, who is also an Oscar winner for the movie "Inconvenient Truth," said.
Indonesia has a unique carbon emission profile as most of its emissions come from the forest and peat land sectors, he said. Efficient use of land and ground could increase economic values and reduce pollution from green house gas, he said. He said that mitigation efforts such as the termination of burning and opening of peat lands and forest would have a great impact, he said.
"I thank President Yudhoyono for his idea, courage and leadership on issues that we have discussed and worked on," he said. Al Gore praised President Yudhoyono because the president had initiated to speak up at a time when there was no initiative coming from G-77 member countries, to break the impasse in the international conference of climate change.
There has been improvement in the climate change conference thanks to Yudhoyono's leadership, he said. "I do respect him and admire his leadership and the target he promised in Kopenhagen," Al Gore said.
I hope he not only praise ya ;)
nice post
I know Algore-Indonesia can be super power on geothermal energy,coz read your articel.
wow..that the good news..
memang benar tentang masalah produsen terbesar tersebut, tapi sekarang tinggal kecepatan kerja pemimpinnya dalam mengeluarkan kebijakan yang terimplementasi tentunya....susah juga punya pimpinan yang bergaya-gaya...bak penari itu....dan jani apapun yang telah dimuntahkan mesti disimak baik-baik, bahwa tidak semudah berteori doang jika tidak ada ketegasan dalam mengatur anak buah yang acak kadut.....
tidak ada maksud apa-apa, cuma kesel aje dengan gaya yang selalu dibawa dalam setiap penampilan.......menang di gaya tuh....
kunjungan perdana kawan,jemput maen ke rumah
link nya jga sudah saya pasang di
silahkan di cek
terima kasih mba :)
salam kenal... kendala bangsa indonesia adalah SDMnya, buat apa SDA melimpah kalo SDMnya ga mumpuni....
Until now, only about 9900 MW of electricity produced in the world. Indonesia's geothermal potential for 28,000 MW or about 35 percent of the potential of the world, producing geothermal electric current of 1189 MW or third place after the United States (2687 MW) and Philippines (1968 MW).
As the owner of the largest geothermal resources, Indonesia needs to take a role promoting the development of geothermal energy world. Even worthy of being a center of excellence of geothermal development. The uniqueness and diversity of geological sources of geothermal energy in Indonesia need to be explored in more depth so that in addition to providing economic benefits may also increase the mastery of science and technology and to strengthen national energy endurance.
aku ora iso bahasa inggris. :(
Harus buka translite google ini dulu sahabat ^_^
Semoga Indonesia berkembang terus dan tidak lupa sama rakyat, yang kecil terutama.
Pokoke Indonesia pancen siip.. :)
*maaf, nggak bisa pakai inggris :D
semoga sukses
Selamat Pagi salam kenal ya,wah nggak ngerti saya kalau bahasa inggris >.< jika berkenan silahkan kunjungi blog saya http://blog.umy.ac.id/lintasberita/
Kunjungan perdana salam kenal .Great resource should take citizen to a better life and not for those corrupt people in the goverment.Otherwise it's just simply useless and bring more suffer to the majority of people
@ all : makasih buat semuanya yah :)
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