It ain't a secret no more that all our actions are motivated by how the way we think. I think, I do not need to explain this fact because there is a myriad of books and training seminars as well as confirming this opinion. However, although many people know that the mindset and the confidence they have is very powerful against the quality of their lives, still, still many people who do not understand any mindset that inhibit them.
I could just find someone who can not reach the top of his life not because can not afford or do not know how, but rather because of their mindset that makes them as if not able and do not know the "how to". That is why I am compelled and open this 21 beliefs that often looks "good" but in reality, that kind of thought could be the real poison to us all to be hampered in reaching the top quality of our lives. Toxic beliefs (21 Emotional Toxic Beliefs).
I distribute this so that more people are "exempted" from their wrong way of thinking. My efforts to spread this is actually one of the action to give you a new belief that "when you give, you have nothing to lose because someday it will come back to you again ..." There are still many people who are so "stingy" and hide what they know for their own profit and to think in a way so they would be more superior than others.
In fact, the highest level of someone's emotional maturity was when he could give to others and make the lives of others without expecting any kind of meaningful rewards behind. It's a huge kind of direction and a small step to me. Happy reading and happy inspired!
to be or not to be continued...
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