Satan is a creature who do evil, and always lead us away from happiness. Satan is always giving the promises of happiness, but surely it is not happiness but joy (pseudo) pure.
For this we need to be vigilant against the temptations of the devil. There are five points that we are more vigilant in the face of the devil, that is:
1. Satan does not tempt anyone, but the devil tempting good people. If we are good people, then we will be the main target of the devil.
2. Satan larger victory for the human potential. Satan is invisible, but everywhere. We can not possibly fight the demons that are stronger than us. We have to borrow the strength of God to be able to win against the devil. Therefore, we must be close to God.
3. How the devil to deceive people is to convince people that the devil was not there. Satan always promote that he was not there, so he had the freedom in the human body. Indeed, God created the devil so that we can see where the good or bad.
4. The key is to make people successful demons rush. Basically, people want something that is instant, fast, does not want to pay the price. Many people are in a hurry want to get rich, well-known, successful, and others, and this makes it easier to Satan approached us.
5. Although the devil is the evil, but there are some positive things from the devil, that is:
- Although not always make people believe in God, but Satan believe the same God.
- Satan was never impose any kind of requirements, he is seductive.
- Satan has a high tolerance in the case temp.
- Satan is to recognize human
banyak-banyak beribadah biar jauh dari godaan-godaan iblis hmm aku pikir tadinya ini ngebahas MU heheh
saya sukanya klub klub italy :(
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