Characters based on Chinese Zodiac Animals
Although rats are known as carriers of disease, they here are totally different animal than in China. China is known as a good entertainer and the ability to explore and maintain existing values; Rat is known as a symbol of good luck and prosperity in China and Japan. Smart and fast motion, Rat is extraordinary.
Very fond of good taste, the Rat Sign always exalt himself every chance. A fun nature and a sharp, funny and a good friend to everyone. Rat likes to know who are their friends and will treat all your friends with a great kind of loyalty to the protection and exceptional generosity.
Behind the cheery smile, mice often have their own agenda. This Sign is motivated by self interest, which often times when it comes to money, greed became a major problem if the Rat is not careful to keep his priorities. The nature of this zodiac a pleasant and persuasive, can be useful!
Rats are very generous towards his accomplice as friends or family who has to prove his loyalty. Others may find them short-tempered and sharp-mouthed. Satisfaction verbal means so much to rats, which easily recognized by the others to the loved or hated.
Rats often liked to see from the outside, because from there they could see how the system works with the situation. Rats are always looking for new knowledge, to be stored or discarded. A kind of person who want to know about anything and invite all kind of challengers who want to compete with them. Rats also know how to please ourselves.
Valuable lesson for Rats is to learn to consider others above all else. If they can improve themselves and realize the value to make room for someone else, rats will find true happiness. The couple is best suited for the Rat is Dragon or Monkey.
wah, lucunya..
apanya mas? sayanya?!?! :p
Nice article
thank you for comin' :)
Ada juga ya pelajaran berharga dari tikus, semoga kita bisa meniru sifat sifat baik yang ada pada sifat tikus itu.
Thank's ya sdh berkunjung di Jejak lalu.
Salam.. .
dalam bahasa minangkabau nama saya sering dianalogikan dengan tikus. senangnya mengetahui klo arti namaku ndak selalu jelek :)
Hmm,, Ternyata Tikus tuh gak Sejelek yg dikira Banyak Orang yach.. di China aja Tikus merupakan Simbol Keberuntungan!!!
Beda BGT kan kalo disini... ^_^
Banyak Juga Sifat2 baik dr Hewan ini yg bs dijadikan Motivasi & Inspirasi!!
hahaha baca komen diatas jadi pingin ketawa.kurang jelas ya yg lucu itu siapa.
tikus itu lucu cuma dikartun, aslinya gak banget
rats are... dunno what to say. they can be dangerous, they can be useful, they can be cute and nasty too.
waah seneng bacanya..ternyata shoi tikus punya karakter bagus yaa..kalau tidak salah tahun kelahiran saya termasuk shio tikus
walaupun saya tdk bergantung dan percaya betul tentang shio, setidaknya hal-hal positip dan motivasinya bisa menjadi inspirasi untuk menjadi lebih baik
makasih ya Mbak
it's really nice info
good job sista
futunya x yang lucu,, nice posting ya mbak...
apalagi kalau si tikusnya kayak ratatouille...okebanget deh
posting tentang shio dan karakteristik gini se-nggaknya bisa jadi persiapan buat someday ngadepin orang bershio Tikus ya.. nice post kak :D
tikus takuut di gigit,love,peace and gaul.
Actually I'm not really believe with shio and also feng shui... but ok..... your explanation is quite good and simple....
warmest regards,
... Ayah Zahia ...
hmmm aku lahir tahun apa ya?
ayam kalo ga salah
skill rendah di english nih saya :D
Jadi bacanya harus hati2 :p
Lucu juga shio tikus ini.. kan tikus binatang gimana ya gitu..
Shio tikus cocok gak ya sama shio harimau?
memang lucu tapi lain sama tikus got :D
gak mudeng.. ha ha..
terimakasih buat semua komentarnya :)
Nice article, always love your blog post! :)
Karina Dinda R. ♥
always love your visit! :)
aduh.. kog basa inggris seh...
harusnya gmn mas?!?!
2013 ini tahun apa yah//
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