The product development is dependent on the need of the local residents. Such kinds of businesses are ethnocentric and are only bothered about their performance in the domestic marketplace.
Companies planning to go global should start with export to a foreign client first. The returns wouldn’t be satisfying in the beginning. The export department can be introduced at the headquarters that deals with all the laws. There can be a possibility of becoming secondary exporters by bringing export management company into the picture, who will deal with the language problem, time difference, paperwork and customers.
If managing the exports without any help, the export department can be started at an office located abroad. This office works in collaboration with the regional headquarters. But the respective offshore offices take the marketing decisions, as they will have best knowledge about the particular market they are operating in.
waduh english saya pas2an nih,, ikut nyimak aja ya mbak,,
@ both : terimakasih tuk kedatangan mas berdua ;)
English saya pas pasan... Coba baca pelan-pelan lagi deh...
gpp mas.. silahkan :)
Hmm,, Para exportir itu memang seharusnya memperhatikan Para Pesaing2nya demi kelancaran Bisnisnya.. yg kadang sering dilupakan soal Pesaing potensial..
Ayas gak begitu ngerti dgn Pesaing Potensial itu seperti gimana??
( NYAMBUNG GAK Yaaaa??? )
kalo banyak pesaing jadikan semangat saja
biar ga cemburu buta hehehe
Saya rasa Kalau pembahasannya lebih diperuncing ttg tip dan trik bisnis di bidang jasa tentu akan sangat bermanfaat mbak, karena teman-teman kita merupakan calon "pengusaha kecil-kecilan" yg baru memulai merangkak di bidang jasa yg kadang tidak memerlukan modal yg besar bahkan tanpa modal sama sekali....request ni....hehehehe
hasil ekspor ga musti harus bagus di awal ,khan baru pertama!perlahan aja
bener ga ya ?? hehe
hmmm,....ada ga yg mau nerjemahin,biar aku ngerti nih...heheehe.
mampir nyimak ya mbak?...
bacanya aku minta tolong sama mbah google,mat malam
makasih dah mampir ke blogku ya, salam kenal ....
hari berkabung nasional :(
memang yang namanya kompetisi harus bener-bener di manage sebaik mungkin. agar kita tuh dapat menyaingi kompetisi tersebut..
So, it should be a big company to go global...
thanks for comin' here y'all guys :)
heloo.. Merliza how are u? lama gk drop ke log saya.. hehe
have a blast day!
iya nih... maklum masiha terlalu sibuk di luar :(
ini hanya cek mingguan :( nanti saya pastia berkunjung :)
topiknya ketinggian hiwhiwhi mampir saja lah dulu, sekedar membaca hehee
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