
6 Tips For Getting Twitter Followers

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Although I may not be the King of Twitter-land, I have just begun spreading my chaos worldwide. I have researched Twitter and the top "Tweeters", and decided to create a short but useful list for new Twitter users on how to improve their follower numbers. Let's get started with 6 basic tips!

As they say "content is king", and for Twitter this applies as well. Even though you are limited to a few words, try to keep your tweets catchy and original so that it attracts users. By just tweeting "I am going to sleep" or "Hey I am on Twitter!" you won't get much attention because is boring. Provide your followers with information they can use, helpful tips, catchy sayings, or interesting facts. Try to seem excited so that your followers will feel the same.

Share your personality with your followers. Whether you are funny or cocky, you want to share that personality with others so that it gives you a distinct presence. You want others to get a feel of what you are really like. By doing this, your followers will feel more of a connection with you and not just feel like they are reading a news article. Also be sure to fill in your bio information on your profile. Keep it short and informative so that others know who you are.

Retweet! This is a great way to catch some new followers. Encourage others to retweet your links or articles so that it spreads around quickly. You can also retweet popular posts from other members, but try to keep them relevant to your profile. Keep in mind that retweeting constantly and not providing followers with your own material, will lose you those fans. Why follow someone who just retweets everything I have already read from the original source? Don't try to copy another member by reposting their Tweets as your own. Be sure to give them credit.

Use hashtags. These are great for getting your tweets into the search results on the website. It provides members to find your tweets based on keywords you provide. Example, lets say I post "I just finished playing #Mario on my #NintendoWii". #Mario and #NintendoWii would be considered my "hashtags". So if someone searched #Mario or #NintendoWii, my tweet would be in the search results. Great exposure if you use hashtags that are hot at the moment. Just add a # symbol before the word you want as a hashtag. Easy to do and effective. To find the hottest hashtags updated live, visit

Follow other members. If you are just looking to increase the number of followers and do not really care if they all listen to you, this is a good way to do it. If you search and browse through members, follow as many as possible. At least half will follow you back. This may not apply to celebrities and big name companies since it seems they do not follow many people.

Share your Twitter profile around the world! Be sure to include links to your Twitter profile in forum signatures, comments on other websites, Digg, FaceBook, and every other social place you visit on the web. This will help spread your Twitter profile while providing information to others.

So.. what are you waiting for.. just follow me :p here!

Source :


ndutyke at: March 27, 2011 at 7:45 PM said...

setelah buka toko online, aku baru deh berorientasi dalam mencari follower sebanyak2nya, hehehe... lumayan kan jadi sarana promosi.

tapi akhir2 ini pun, aku demen memfollow bbrp selebriti twitter (seleb di twitter doang loh, di dunia keartisan sih namanya tidak dikenal.). tapi aku gak mau juga kalo mereka follow-back aku.... *lah yg mau folback juga sapa*

salam kenal. mampir kemari dari blognya efahmi :D

kira at: March 28, 2011 at 2:07 AM said...

i have but jarang2 tak buka. hehehe

Ello Aris at: March 28, 2011 at 4:22 AM said...

oh.... god inggris semua! my twitter @pesankeren

belajar ngeblog at: March 29, 2011 at 6:23 PM said...

wah mantap nih tipsnya .,.,
kebetulan saya baru mulai nge-twit seminggu yg lalu
thanks ya!!!

Meutia Halida Khairani at: March 30, 2011 at 10:09 PM said...

first time i'm not too keen on twitter. i don't like to post an update too. i just being a silent reader to my pals tweets. but now, because i have to promote my novel, i have to post, min. a post each day.

TUKANG CoLoNG at: March 31, 2011 at 9:39 AM said...

saya udah nyerah ngejar follower twitter. :D

attayaya-office-web at: April 2, 2011 at 9:22 PM said...

banyak follower penipu. udah minta follow...dan disetujui, eeeh 2 bulan kemudian di unfollow. yaaa aku pun unfollow juga

Anonymous at: April 3, 2011 at 2:52 AM said...

saya punya akunnya tapi jarang digunakan, hehe

Dwi at: April 3, 2011 at 7:35 AM said...

Wah makasih tipsnya, tapi saya sekarang jarang banget ngetweet.. :)

lyna riyanto at: April 3, 2011 at 7:51 AM said...

wah saya ga punya akun twitter
eniwey makasih tips nya ya Mbak

komuter at: April 20, 2011 at 6:55 PM said...

twitter ?? what is this ?

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