As we prove it together, though it has been many times we replace the president, from many different backgrounds, but it turns out and depends on our own people who support the establishment of a weak and troubled state of our country feels it would be difficult to get out of trouble.
Only an educated society and hi-character people create a more decisive and a glory of a nation. For that.. let's educate our children the right way so that they are not only clever but also have a noble character.
If every family in Indonesia will do it from our own family, then a Strong Indonesia will soon materialize on its own without the need to draft a complex and convoluted as well without the need for a troublesome state budget.
Yes .. everything starts from the family and more precisely, from our own family! This nation truly depends on the strength of families who are spread throughout the archipelago.
Let's build INDONESIA from our STRONG FAMILY!
Source and Image : Ayah Edi
Indonesian Strong from Home
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Sunday, December 25, 2011
Indonesian Strong from Home,
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nice artikel
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