Here are some things why raising money is important:
1. Survival
2. Expansion and development
3. Helping organizations develop their own sources of income
Therefore.. this is increasingly be able to determine its own agenda and the future of your organization.
4. Linking between voluntary organizations with local communities and places of activities undertaken.
5. Reduce life depends
6. Building a foundation of support
Its purpose is to convince potential donors to give again and give again in larger quantities. They may be able to volunteer or invite their friends to support your organization.
The number of supporters shows the level of support that your organization can be achieved, and therefore can increase the power of the lobby and your campaign.
7. Creating an effective and strong organization
All organizations should be able to find ways to strengthen the financial foundation of each and develop a precise strategy to raise funds or to create their own sources of revenue for the future.
mengamankan pertamax dulu boleh kan?!?! :p
maksudnya ngamanin pertamax..???
bukannya premium yg mestinya diamanin..??
nice.. keep up the good work :)
@merli : berarti minta di install tuh aplikasinya.. off duluan iia :p
thanks buddy,,you are the great for this one...
ok,,aku off...
thanks yach..:)
infomasjidkita ada yg utak atik?
anonymous: utak atik gmn..?? saya kurang paham...
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