
Mobilising Skills Fund

Friday, December 17, 2010
Promote Understanding Funds

In Indonesian-English dictionary, raising the Fundraising and people who raise funds called Fundraiser.

In Big Indonesian Dictionary, raising closer to the meaning the collection, which means the process; way deeds, gather, and direction. While the fund is a sum of money provided for a purpose; cost; gifts, and generous.

A. Basic Principles Mobilising Funds

A study conducted by a large charitable organization asking the people who do not give contributions of the main reasons for giving donations. The answer is simple: "they (the organization fundraiser / foundations) have never asked for them to contribute".

The purpose of raising money is obtained, but often forgotten that a plea for people to act in something, a request that people donate is a very important part of the appeal submitted.

Principles, Urgency and Mobilising Skills Fund (Fundraising)

Here are some basic principles of fundraising:

1. Should ask

Asked the best way is through a Personal Approach. Usually the more you make a personal approach to the more effective your efforts.

Asked for time to meet face is better than ... .. Giving exposure in a meeting at a group of people, but this is better than ... .. Wrote a personal letter to someone, but this is better than ... .... Send a circular letter to many people ....

2. Understanding Donors viewpoint

In the donors themselves could be some feelings and thoughts when he decided to give a donation. A fundraiser must understand this process.

Generosity as a sense of social solidarity, a gift with no strings attached, without the desire to get rewards. Fundraiser also need to understand that the donor may have personal reasons that he is able to contribute and share his luck on that donor's interests. When he gave that means he also supports areas of focus, he did something because he thought to do something and he really wanted to do something.

3. Mobilising Funds Means Dealing with People

People give donations to help others or do something in order to realize a better world. Donor don't know how to give. One problem is that donors do not know what to give how much. But on the other hand they also may not give too little, so as not to mistaken for miserliness.

4. Said thanks or supplication

Saying thank you is very important. Saying thank you is to appreciate and recognize the generosity of donors.

Saying thank you is also an act of self-interest in the good sense, the donor becomes warmer about your organization and perhaps another member donations.

5. The involvement and sincerity to do for the long term

To achieve this means you have to invite donors to get involved in organized activities and truly help the organization reach the goal.

6. Responsible and report

Responsible and report when you get money from someone or you have a responsibility to:

- Ensuring that the money was spent on pre-determined objectives.
- Ensuring that the money is spent well and truly achieve real results.

Tags : fundraising, fundraising ideas, fundraiser, ideas for fundraising, fundraiser, fundraisers


syamsul rijal at: December 17, 2010 at 5:32 AM said...

Dalam suatu organisani penggalangan dana memang cukup berat sob harus dapat meyakinkan untuk apa dana tersebut apakh bermanfaat atau tidak

Hellen at: December 17, 2010 at 7:24 AM said...

Banyak hal positif dari penggalangan dana, suatu bentuk usaha untuk menghadirkan sesuatu, atau juga dari sisi bagaimana kita bisa peduli terhadap orang lain, namun ada juga oknum2 yang menyalahgunakan. Memanfaatkan moment2 ini untuk suatu tujuan tidak mulia.

Semoga kita semua berada pada hal positif, dalam menyikapi makna penggalangan dana

Nice post sob :)

Masjid Kita at: December 18, 2010 at 9:07 PM said...

pinter 'cantik'... :)

merli at: December 24, 2010 at 8:40 AM said...

wat syamsul rijal: makanya cara kita presentasi tuk dapat uang yg bener dari penggalangan dana tuch perlu diperhatiin mulai dari warna cover yg kita kasih ke perusahaan atau organisasi mpe kita buat or bikin pertanggungjawaban tuch dana yg dikasih...

wat Serba Ter: makanya dicari dulu kebenaran dari orang dari mana tuch yang nyari dana dengan cara nanya ID n hal2 ga diperhatiin orang lain sebelum presentasi..semoga selalu berada dijalur yg benar..amin...

wat imtikhan: salam kenal,,saya usahakan mampir..trima kasih wat kunjungannya..

wat masjid kita: terima kasih.. :)

genial at: December 24, 2010 at 8:47 AM said...


merli at: December 24, 2010 at 8:51 AM said...

knp hehehe..???

genial at: December 24, 2010 at 8:58 AM said...

gpp... ol dmn?
gmn dotkom?

«((¯`¤ RáÐhìtǻ ¤´¯))» at: December 27, 2010 at 2:38 AM said...

banyak donor juga yang ingin diberi laporan / report setelah kegiatan/project selesai bila donasi dari donor ditujukan untuk kegiatan tertentu

merli at: December 27, 2010 at 7:03 AM said...

@genial: ne dah jadi...he...
@radhita: yupz..tu salah satu kunci kalo kita mau dapat bantuan donasi dilain acara,,,
selamat mencoba,,,:)

Anonymous at: January 12, 2011 at 12:42 PM said...

Couldnt agree more with that, very attractive article

Anonymous at: January 26, 2011 at 10:55 PM said...

membaca seluruh blog, cukup bagus

Anonymous at: January 30, 2011 at 8:32 AM said...

Tak, prawdopodobnie tak jest

baju tanah abang at: August 4, 2011 at 9:25 PM said...


Merliza at: August 6, 2011 at 10:18 PM said...

ini pasti penyebabnya :(

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