
The Three Musketeers

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merliza The Three Musketeers

I am sure that you know so much about The Three Musketeers, the story of three knights guard the throne of France in the Middle Ages. Long before the story is legendary in mainland Europe, Mustafa SAW has warned his people to turn the three knights who keep half of the Caliphate humanity respectively.

Known as the third patience, you will fight lust. If you look up and contemplate the threat of God as immoral door open for you, that's the patience of the highest kind. If you avoid immoral because the scared with the punishment of God, that patience is key among the highest patience. You reject the immoral because the love of God, that's full of patience that you can do.

Know yourselves, patiently faced the disaster that it was easier than patience in undergoing obedience. Patience in obedience to undergo more easily than the patient to avoid immoral.

Logically, if you only hold a day of fever can not, how you will sustain fardhu prayer? If you pray five times just no power, how are you able to resist persuasion-persuasion demons that could come at any time?


genial at: December 26, 2010 at 9:11 PM said...

flashnya jalan gag sii?!?!

merli at: December 27, 2010 at 6:54 AM said...

jalan ko'..
lancar bgt malah..

horizonwatcher andre at: June 16, 2011 at 7:49 AM said...

obeying every God's order and defying what He prohibits both are one thing united under the term religious patience

Merliza at: September 10, 2011 at 12:38 AM said...


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