Some time ago, we learned about the culture or the culture. My teacher ordered to make two types of images, namely sight and Indonesia.
Then a few moments later, the teacher asked .. "Who drew the first mountains of the word provided?" There are 25 children who raised her hand. "Then that makes other than the mountain?" she asked again .. Pointing to one of us, he asked .. "You, what you are doing and why you make it?" Slowly designated replied: "I draw a beach, yes because I like the beach .." he said innocently. The whole class laughed at it. The teacher just smiled and said, "Good."
Now we look for the second word, Indonesia, who drew the map, raise your hands .. there were 28 people who drew it, and the teacher asked, why did you draw a map and disciples simply replied, already used to. All classmates laughed at his answer, and besides who drew the map raise hand and please tell us the reason. I pack, I drew a joglo house because one of Indonesian traditional house, the master only nodded and said the others ..?
I pack, I drew houses and huts.. the teacher put a puzzled face and asked, meaning can be explained ..? Because I saw in Indonesia, the rich get richer and the poor poorer. One class still hear the answer and just nodded in agreement. The teachers were clapping and mendrong his disciples to do the same. The teacher began to explain the purpose of drawing before, the activities just give us a picture of a culture.
So the culture is an activity that is done consciously, but someone does not know why he did it because it was unusual or indirectly have been implanted in a person's subconscious so as to change it takes a long time and are not easily accepted, because changing something that is beyond our habits is not easy. The disciples nodded in agreement with what was said teachers and new understanding about it.
So culture is something that sticks in the mind, heart, mind and behavior derived from the surrounding environment and has become a habit and it is not easy to be changed if a person has been refused. to make the change is accepted, it takes a strong commitment and supported by all parties involved in that environment.
Hadir pertama , salam sukses slalu
budaya yang sudah tertanam kuat dalam memori pikiran dan taklid buta kadang berpengaruh negatif dalam perkembangan kreatifitas seseorang, hanya orang yang luar biasa saja yang bisa membuat perubahan dan menerima perubahan dan ini jumlahnya sedikit, slam persahabatan
Ya, doktrin dibawah alam sadar yang ditanamkan oleh lingkungan dan kebiasaan masyarakat kadang sulit untuk merubahnya namun calon orang yang luar biasa, biasanya slalu kritis dg prilaku dan kebiasaan yang berlaku pd lingkungannya
terimakasih tuk kedatangannya mas semua ya :)
mba, pinter amat ya bahasa inggrisnya?
saya ngerti artikel ini...tapi gak tahu gimana ngebalesnya dalam english hehehe. canggih amat blogmu mbak... semuanya dalam english... wow!
Does it how you define 'culture'???
Karena, menurut pendapatku, contoh yang kamu deskripsikan itu lebih condong ke arah bagaimana kebiasaan masyarakat (norma) mempengaruhi dan membentuk pola pikir serta perilaku seseorang. Jadi, aku pikir masih agak kurang tepat kalo dsebut 'culture' karena itu lebih ke arah 'behavioural pattern' hehehehehe... but it's up to you though. coz there are a lot of reference to describing social behaviour. maybe we use a different source?
anyway, thx for dropping a comment in my post! :)
PS: hopefully, i didnt offense you with my comments.
Sweetest culture..
Sweetest culture..
Never ending story..
to make the change is accepted, it takes a strong commitment and support by all parties involved in that environment. setuju :D
tapi juga setuju sama Rinz :D
waiting for more post like this :D
kaya kenaaaal nich>>>>>>
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