I've met and talked a lot with an old man who was quite elderly convey an important message to me and I always remembered what he said which I think is very inspirational.
When I ask him, if you are already a success in life? With a gasp, he said he slowly, approaching 50% of new real success in life?
I asked further, why did the old man said like that to me? But.. still I hope he gave me a kind of wisdom or something so that I could feel enlightened and better understand the meaning of success. Then he voluntarily responded that he felt to get in about 50% of its business, which means he only has 50% of this life. Then what about the remaining 50% who has not he won yet..? Family.
Stress in children can occur at any age, even from an early age, since in the womb. When the mother-containing stress, the fetus in the womb will also feel it. Fetal heartbeat becomes irregular, so the supply of oxygen and nutrients is reduced.
Attention and affection from parents that needed and obviously help children avoid stress. So, continue to support, train and foster your child so that he can enjoy his days cheerfully. So, hopefully this article could be useful to you all, especially for those who have the responsibility to educate every members of your family.
Peran kasih sayang orang tua memang sangat perlu mbak, terima kasih mbak.......:)
cerita yg bagus n sangat mendidik... :)
Indeed the family will always be first in our lives. Moreover, because heaven is on the soles of mother
Orangtua memegang peranan penting untuk keberhasilan anak2 dimasa datang. Oleh karenanya harus dididk dengan penuh cinta dan kasih sayang
Tanpa kasih sayang hidup seakan hampa apalagi kasih sayang yang datangnya dari orang tua.
yup, children should grow up with a sense of amity and brotherly understanding with each other and we have to tell the truth to the children
yang punya anak berasa banget, sist :)
Hmm... Ini Film Favorite gua ... hehehhe
susah yah english,hehe
"Stress in children can occur at any age"
memang ank2 itu umur brp sampai brp??
pengen tau apakah saya masih ank2/bukan!! :D wkwkw
"Attention and affection from parents that needed and obviously help children avoid stress"
memang peran orang tua harus turut serta di dalamnnya.
Attention and affection menjadi hal yg utama bagi perkembangan anak
i dunno if i could be a good father or what?!?!
nice story mbak... :D
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