I have many friends who have such thing.. insomnia.. somehow? may be subject to hypnotic song titled Insomnia by Craig David perhaps?
I just want to give a little info about the article I read in one great magazine..
The following quote from that article:
"Research suggests that primary insomnia may reduce the brain's ability to make decisions or compromise." Is not it very dangerous if you have a career?
Further, the article says so...
"In addition, also found the fact that unlicensed lack of sleep allows the occurrence of physical and psychiatric disorders. Reduced ability of the brain in making decisions can lead to weakened immune system and eventually make you easy to get affected by the disease"???
Still want to live with a healthy life isn't it? So soon get the healthy live and do not always get sick.
Never ever underestimate the good sleep insomnia and the rest!
Tags : insomnia, insomnia symptoms, insomnia cures, sleep insomnia, curing insomnia, treatment of insomnia
untung gw gag punya karir :p
tapi lo jadi SAKIT kahn..??????!
sakit gmn mksd?
saaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkiiiiiitt atttttiiiieeeeee... hufttt :) hehhehhehehhe...
q punya obat insomnia
baca ya?
terimakasih infonya gan :)
Untung aja aku tak terjangkit insomnia ini... ^_^
Thanks utk infonya.
katanya asal asupan makanan cukup plus vitamin ga masalah :)
konfirmasi link mbak ya maap mbak linknya udah saya recover. thanks mbak dah diingeting :)
yg mana?!?!
nah disini toh nongrong'a haaaaaaaaa
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