
Service in every product must have had a flower whose name service, for what..? To make it more beautiful and enhance the services you offer and give to consumers as a form of promise and should be run in accordance with what has been promised that, if you do not, then you will not service business will run smoothly.

The unusual flowers you can find in the garden or something, today I want to discuss about the Flower of Service. Sounds familiar to you all guys?

Affiliate marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools available. Any online business should consider starting its own affiliate program. If you offer a fine product, and support to your affiliates, you will find success.

All images in this template is used without any commercial purpose. Take advantage of all the internet has to offer, and your profits will rise [...]


Bronko Nusa Tenggara Barat

Saturday, July 6, 2013 2 comments

Haiiii... Balik lg sama menu khas Nusa Tenggara Barat..
Kali ini ttg kue or camilan yg enak bedddhhh... (ngalay dikit..)..

Bahan dasar utama kue ini adalah pisang.. Ya, pisang yg dtumbuk trus dcampur gula (sesuka hati, sesuai keinginan kamu) buat bikin warna nya cantik (kaya' dgambar itu..) kadang ada jg yg nambahin potongan kecil buah nangka.. Enak bgt... Biasa dkenal dengan nama Bronko..

Tapi klo org2 tua dlu, nyebutnya Slemandapa..entah siapa yg bikin n rubah nama kue itu..
Yg jelas, kue ini ladzidz...

Yummy.... :-)