
Service in every product must have had a flower whose name service, for what..? To make it more beautiful and enhance the services you offer and give to consumers as a form of promise and should be run in accordance with what has been promised that, if you do not, then you will not service business will run smoothly.

The unusual flowers you can find in the garden or something, today I want to discuss about the Flower of Service. Sounds familiar to you all guys?

Affiliate marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools available. Any online business should consider starting its own affiliate program. If you offer a fine product, and support to your affiliates, you will find success.

All images in this template is used without any commercial purpose. Take advantage of all the internet has to offer, and your profits will rise [...]


Ayam Taliwang

Monday, June 24, 2013 0 comments
Ini makanan yg jadi favorit (kata orang) di lombok.. Kenapa..?? Karena makanan yg satu ini tu menu wajib yg harus dimakan dan dicoba pas liburan ke lombok.. Apa sih ini..?? Yup.. Ayam Taliwang.. Kenapa namanya itu..?? Karena cerita punya kisah ini resepnya muncul dr suatu tempat/daerah yg namanya Taliwang di lombok sana.. Walopun d sumbawa barat jg ada nama yg sama.. Hehe..

Ayam Taliwang ini byk bgt kreasi resepnya.. Klo pengen yg cihuy n favorit, coba Ayam Pelecing Taliwang, ne sedep pedes enak.. Hahaha.. Klo Mau yg biasa ya yg ayam goreng jg sedia..

Ada jg ne yg baru, Ayam Taliwang Madu, rasa manis madu dicocol pake sambelnya yg khas karna pedes, jadinya mantabbbsss... Cihuyyyy... *ngiler.... :p

Rekomendasi ku buat nyoba pertamaw tu mampir ke daerah Cakra d lombok situ trus cari resto yg namanya Kania.. Itu enak segala macem sajian yg dia jual... Hehe..

Klo Ayam Taliwang.. itu aj dlu.. Ada menu rahasia lain yg enak bgt lhoooo....

Ini dlu update nya ya buat nambah wawasan kamu ttg kuliner.. Hehe..

Trima kasih..